A Personal Injury Attorney in Allentown PA can Help you Value your Soft Tissue Injury Case

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Lawyers

In a personal injury case, the goal is a jury verdict or settlement. However, many injury claims are settled before they reach court; these cases are time-consuming and expensive, and the outcome isn’t always certain. Soft tissue injury cases make up the majority of claims, and it can be difficult to determine the worth of such a case.

Soft Tissue Injuries
Unlike an accident claim where injuries are readily apparent, such as a laceration, broken limb, or internal injury, soft tissue injuries are invisible. The term “soft tissue” refers to the ligaments, muscles and tendons connecting and supporting the structures of the body. In rear-end collisions, victims’ necks are thrown in a whipping motion, which stretches and tears the soft tissues. These injuries can’t be seen with diagnostic imaging, and it’s all too easy to exaggerate their severity. Insurers typically make a small settlement offer as a way of expressing skepticism.

Valuing Injury Cases
Many people think that injury cases are valued by multiplying special damages by three. However, insurance adjusters use no specific formula, and many use computer programs to come up with offers. These programs use information such as race, location, gender, and previous verdicts while ignoring unique case factors.

Evaluating Cases
In the determination of a soft tissue injury case’s value, a Personal Injury Lawyer in Allentown PA uses factors such as property damage, lost wages, medical bills, disability, and the plaintiff’s claims history. A low-impact collision with no property damage but thousands in doctor bills is often not taken seriously, because it’s difficult to prove.

A soft tissue injury claim’s value usually comes down to the behavior and credibility of the plaintiff. A victim with a steady job, no other claims, scant medical history and lost wages will typically have a higher-value case -; but it is up to an attorney to present cases in the best possible light while getting a fair settlement for the client. If you have suffered a soft tissue injury and need help valuing your case, it’s best to click here for info and hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Allentown PA as soon as possible.

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