Delivering Home Pediatric Nursing Care in Sarasota FL

by | May 4, 2018 | Healthcare

Most parents have to rush to the doctor any time something is wrong with their child. Whether they’ve swallowed something they shouldn’t have, or their kid is simply not feeling well, they must bring them into a hospital or clinic to be looked at immediately. Pediatric home care is an option, allowing nurses to come directly to the patient. This is often used for children who frequently visit hospitals and would benefit more from staying home. Nursing Care in Sarasota FL for children includes several services.


Some children require therapy services. Nurses can handle these right from the child’s home rather than making them come into a clinical setting. Occupational, speech, and physical therapy options are all offered, depending on specific needs. Physical and speech therapy are the two most common options for children.


Perhaps a child simply needs some companionship and a chance to learn to play. The nursing staff offers playtime if requested, giving helpful tips on how best to play with kids who may be ill and find ways to entertain them, as well as help them entertain themselves.

Chronic Health Condition Management

One of the most typical reasons for needing a nurse in a home setting is to manage chronic health conditions. Instead of a chronically sick child going into the hospital each week, a nurse can come to him instead to provide treatment. The child may also need some simple monitoring of vital signs to ensure health is remaining in the same condition or a better condition and has not worsened.

Medication Management

Some illnesses require the use of medication. A nurse can come to the home simply to ensure the child is getting the prescribed dose of medicine at the right time. The nurse will monitor the medication and keep track of how many pills are left. She may also discuss refills or assist when it comes time to stop the dose.

Pediatric Nursing Care in Sarasota FL provides a well-qualified staff that children can feel comfortable around. Family First Homecare offers this solution and more. Visit their site at to learn more.

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