Different Types of Commercial Insurance in Hamlin PA

by | Jun 28, 2016 | Insurance

Commercial Insurance in Hamlin PA is a necessity for any business owner. There are policies that have been created to cover almost any type of risk a business owner may face. While the majority of businesses will not need to purchase every type of policy that is out there, most companies will need several different types of coverage. Some of the most common types of business insurance can be found here.

General Liability Insurance

There is no type of business that should even operate for a single day without an adequate amount of general liability coverage. This type of Commercial Insurance in Hamlin PA policy will cover the business if a lawsuit or claim arises due to negligence, accidents or injuries. Some of the claims that may be covered by this type of insurance include personal or bodily injury, slander, property damage or false advertisement.

Product Liability Insurance

If a business creates, distributes or sells any type of product, they can be held liable for how safe it is. Product liability policies will cover any claim that arises due to a defective product that causes harm or injuries. Coverage will vary based on the type of product that the business makes.

Property Insurance

This type of insurance is available for businesses that operate out of a standard commercial space. These types of policies will cover both damage and loss to business property due to vandalism, hail, wind, smoke, fire, theft and other types of covered events. In most cases, company property is defined as the buildings, documents, equipment, lost income, money and business interruptions.

Commercial Auto Insurance

If a business utilizes any type of vehicle during the course of normal business operation, they will need to purchase a commercial auto policy. In addition to providing coverage for property and injury damage, this type of policy will cover the business if an accident occurs.

Taking the time to learn about the different types of commercial insurance out there can help a business owner know what they need to purchase. If necessary, work with a broker to ensure the right amount of coverage is purchased. Additional help and information can be found by visiting the website name website, as well.

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