Discussing Options With An Estate Planning Attorney In Green Bay, WI

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Lawyers

In Wisconsin, estate owners plan out the division of their estate through a careful plan. The plan includes several establishments including a will, irrevocable trust, and trust funds. An Estate Planning Attorney in Green Bay WI provides all the information the estate owner needs to complete the plan.

Should Estate Owners Use Irrevocable Trusts?

Estate owners should only use irrevocable trusts if they want to remove assets from the estate. The trusts are separate from the estate, and they won’t go through the probate process. The trust is transferred to a successor, and the successor takes possession of all assets based on the terms of the trust.

Common Stipulations for Trust Funds

Common stipulations for trust funds include limits on how much the heir can retrieve from the fund at any given time. Some stipulations apply to how the trust fund is used. For example, if the trust fund is set up for college, the stipulations can prevent the heir from spending the funds freely.

Why is an Executor of a Will Necessary?

An executor can complete the exact instructions provided by the estate owner. The individual appointed to be the executor reads the will and presents the heirs with deeds and titles for the assets. All stipulations that apply to the will or any assignments are explained by the executor. The estate owner has the right to choose a family member or their attorney to act as the executor.

Reviewing the Will

The estate owner creates a will that outlines all assignments for their wealth and assets. The document also explains which parties are the new guardian of any minor children left behind. Their attorney helps them review all assignments and ensure that their assets are covered.

In Wisconsin, estate owners create a plan to lower the tax implications for their heirs. The plans also include options for preventing creditors from taking properties through the probate process. The attorney helps the estate owner create an irrevocable trust, set up trust funds for their children, and create health care plans. Estate owners who need the help of an Estate Planning Attorney in Green Bay WI contact Brabazon Law Office LLC or Visit the website right now.

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