FAQs About Laser Hair Rejuvenation In West Chester, PA

by | Oct 12, 2017 | Health

In Pennsylvania, spas and wellness centers provide patients with assistance in improving their aesthetic appeal. Among the services provided for patients include options for treating and eliminating thinning hair. A local wellness center provides Laser Hair Rejuvenation West Chester PA for men and women with thinning hair.

What is Laser Hair Therapy?

The low laser therapy that is used to restore cells to a healthier stage and regrow hair in areas in which it has become thin or the patient is balding. The procedure delivers laser light to these areas strategically and sends energy to cells and restart growth by improving the follicles. The procedure helps patients regrow stronger and thicker hair after each treatment.

Are There Any Side Effects of the Procedure?

There aren’t any known side effects of the procedure, and patients won’t face any risks when undergoing the procedure. The laser won’t burn or cut the skin, and the procedure is considered non-invasive.

Will Patients Require Any Additional Treatments with This Procedure?

The laser therapy treatments are often provided in combination with other treatment options. These additional requirements could include the use of minoxidil as well as DHT inhibitors. Among the most common DHT inhibitors that are prescribed for treating hair loss is Finasteride.

How Often Should Patients Receive the Low Laser Therapy?

The patients should visit their clinician at least three times each week for the therapy to show results. Each treatment will last no longer than about twenty minutes. The clinician will determine if the patient should receive these treatments more often based on the rate of hair growth.

What Specific Type of Hair Loss Does the Procedure Treat?

Clinicians provide low laser therapy for patients who have been diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair loss is considered progressive and could affect any area of the hair at any time.

In Pennsylvania, spas and wellness centers provide a variety of therapies and treatments to enhance the way patients look. Among these options are treatments that help patients manage thinning hair. Patients who want to learn more about Laser Hair Rejuvenation West Chester PA contact BeBalanced Center or visit the website right now.

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