Filing a Claim for in Philadelphia Requires the Assistance of an Attorney

by | Dec 16, 2015 | Lawyers

Many workers believe that if they’re injured on the job, the employer will do the right thing and process a workers’ compensation claim. The reality of this assumption is, many companies do not want their workers’ compensation rates to be increased due to a claim. Even if an employee has been an outstanding worker, they are not at all interested in paying money out through their insurance carriers for a worker’s injuries that were received on the job. A lawyer that is experienced in workers’ comp in Philadelphia can assist these types of workers in filing a claim and receiving the compensation they deserve due to the injury.

The main goal of workers’ compensation is to help employees who have been injured during their normal course of employment. Workers’ compensation pays for lost wages and necessities that the injured worker has incurred, and for the medical bills that are incurred due to the injury. A lawyer representing employees who have suffered injuries under workers’ comp in Philadelphia need to be contacted after an injury occurs. Many times, the first claim is denied by the insurance company or the employer because they are attempting to keep their insurance rates as low as possible.

An attorney can help to discuss the options that are available in regards to the claim that was filed. An insurance company as well as an employer are legally responsible to supply the necessary coverage when a worker has been injured on the job. Although the right thing to do is pay for the claim, the employer and insurance company will do everything in their power to deny the claim. If the individual is too injured to return to their previous position, they may attempt to give an individual a job that pays less money to put them back to work. They may also attempt to force the employee to go back to their same position or risk being terminated from their employment.

No matter what the case may be, an attorney can explain all of the legal avenues available to an injured employee. For more information on workers’ compensation, please feel free to visit website.


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