How To Choose The Right Rugs In Charlotte?

by | Jul 23, 2014 | Home Improvement

Choosing rugs in Charlotte is a complex task that requires in-depth thought and consideration. The wrong rug can make your room look awkward; whereas the right one will be the final element to bring perfection to your décor.

Rugs are quite expensive and you will have to live with your selection for many years; therefore, it is quite worthwhile to do your research. Although there may be several other elements to consider, the three main factors you must focus on are the color, texture and size.

A Wise Color Selection Brings the Décor Together

Your rug in Charlotte will be one of the most prominent elements in your room; therefore, you need to take into consideration the walls, flooring and other accessories while choosing it.

You could play it safe and choose a neutral colored rug that blends in with the other elements. Conversely, you could select one with bright colors or a bold pattern which could be just the right element to make your room picture-perfect.

A patterned rug that has several shades and colors could be good if you are starting the décor from scratch. You could later add accessories, furniture and curtains that coordinate well together.

Don’t Overlook the Texture

Most people tend to overlook the texture of their rugs. Instead, you need to give as much significance to the rug as you do to the color or size. A well-designed room should possess a blend of varied textures that create a layered and rich look. Being attentive towards your rug’s texture is a very simple way of doing this.

Your basis for rug selection should be your current furniture and its textures. If your sofa upholstery is rich velvet, perhaps a hard and smooth texture in the rug would look well. Whereas, a sleek leather couch looks amazing on a fluffy rug.

The Rug MUST be the Right Size

There are no two ways about this, because your rug must fit your usage area. If it is too large, the rug may cover your beautiful wooden flooring, while a too small rug would be a misfit anyways.

Although, it does not have to be the size of the entire living room, it should be as big as possible. The furniture should be on the rug ideally, but the front legs being on it is sufficiently good and the usual custom.

When you sit on the couch, your feet should be on the rug. In a dining room, the rug should be sufficiently big to have room for the chairs to be pulled out.

Find out more about rugs in Charlotte by chatting with the experts at Carpet Discount Warehouse, Charlotte, NC. Visit the website for more information.

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