Need to Transport Kids or Sick Relatives? Hire a Flight Transport Nurse

by | May 5, 2017 | Health

It didn’t take long for Rusty Staub—former Mets star—to go into cardiac arrest on a plane that took off from Ireland and was bounded for the JFK, reports Men’s Health. The airplane staff, equipped with emergency response training, had administered CPR and had used a defibrillator to revive Staub.

In-flight emergencies

While Staub survived, the thought of going through a medical emergency while you’re 30,000 feet above ground sounds downright terrifying. What happens if there aren’t any qualified medical staff on board or if the situation takes a turn for the worst?

That’s where hiring a flight transport nurse comes in. Here are some cases where engaging the services of a flight nurse makes for an ideal solution:

Infirm or elderly relatives

Need to get unwell or sick relatives home? In the past, families would have to spend on tickets just to collect loved ones and get them on the flight themselves. This proved tedious and while necessary, often meant additional costs. By hiring a nurse companion, though, relatives could wait for their loved ones at the airport or at home. If you’re already bogged down by details on treatment care plans for your loved ones or can’t take time off from work for too long, this makes life so much easier. You won’t have to worry about your loved ones developing acute symptoms or having a fit while on flight with no one there to help them.


Separated parents often live in different cities. That could make it difficult for them to get to see their children. By hiring a flight transport nurse, parents can have their sick children accompanied by a medically-trained professional. That helps take a lot of worries off their chests, knowing that, if anything happens, there’s someone to look after their children’s safety and well-being.

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