Real Estate Laws in Chicago Every Landlord Needs To Know

by | Jul 28, 2016 | Real Estate Lawyers

There are firm sets of rules and laws every landlord must abide by. These can change when new laws are introduced so it is a must that landlords stay current on applicable requirements. Here are a few of the real estate laws in Chicago every landlord must follow.

1. Landlords are always liable for any major repairs. This includes maintaining all electrical, plumbing, and heating systems. It also includes maintaining the structural integrity of the building. Failure to provide and maintain livable housing conditions may leave the landlord open to a variety of lawsuits on local, state, and federal levels. There are exceptions to this rule, such as when the damage is caused by the tenants either by irresponsibility or active destructiveness. This is why it is vital to log all conditions of the dwelling before the tenants move in. Repairing purely cosmetic issues is generally not required, only ones presenting safety issues must be dealt with.

2. Typically, landlords need to give the tenant at least a 24-hour notice before they plan on entering the property. Unless the entry is for the express purpose of making repairs or showing the property to prospective renters, the landlord needs to be invited in before entering. This is not applicable in the case of emergencies.

3. A landlord must provide written notice to begin the process of terminating the lease and evicting the tenant. A tenant may only be legally evicted if they have either broken the law or broken the terms of the lease. This would include failure to pay rent or keeping pets in a no-pet dwelling. The landlord may provide the tenant the option to pay all rent monies owed to remain in the dwelling. This is purely discretionary on the part of the landlord.

For more information on real estate laws in Chicago, contact an experienced real estate law firm such as Starr, Bejgiert, Zink & Rowells & as soon as possible. A landlord needs a reliable law firm to navigate all of the different local, state, and federal laws they are subject to. This will ensure harmony between both landlord and tenant, as well as landlord and law.

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