Reviewing Requirements For Fire Equipment In Des Moines, IA

by | Feb 9, 2017 | Business

In Iowa, commercial properties must provide a fire safety plan for its workers and any guests that enter the building. The property owner must follow federal fire safety regulations to ensure that there aren’t any errors that could lead to fire-related deaths or injuries. The following is a review of requirements for Fire Equipment in Des Moines IA and safety precautions.

Fire Exit Signs

All buildings must have fire exit signs that are operating at all times. The lighted signs must be tested to ensure that they are working at critical times. They must be replaced if they fail. The property owner must acquire repairs when necessary and keep a log of all servicing and replacements. This information must be available during any OSHA inspection of the property.

The Right Fire Extinguishers

The owner must review the different types of fire extinguishers to determine what options are best suited for each room in the building. There are fire extinguishers that are used to put out fires associated with wood, paper, and chemicals. The property owner must use this information to ensure that an adequate fire extinguisher is present in each room of their building. They must be tested at regular intervals.

Fire Escapes and Emergency Doors

The building must be equipped with fire escapes and emergency doors if it has multiple levels. The workers and guests must have clear paths that lead to these exits to ensure their safety in the event of a fire. They must have maps on each floor to show them the designated path for escape.

Creating a Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan

The property owner must create a fire safety and evacuation plan. This plan must be presented to all workers in the building. They must understand how to escape the building and help any guests who are present at the time of the fire.

In Iowa, commercial property owners are required by law to follow a fire safety regulations. These regulations relate to the use of specific fire equipment that can put out a fire. These regulations were put in place to lower the risk of fire-related deaths and injuries.

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