Why Hire An Automotive Industry Keynote Speaker

by | Apr 28, 2016 | Business

A keynote speaker is a great addition to your next automotive industry event. Whether it be a conference, convention, or educational seminar, a keynote speaker can help breathe new life into your event, and makes a wonderful change from the usual talks given by upper management and business owners. Here are some other reasons why you should hire an automotive industry keynote speaker for your next event.

Generates Interest

If your event is ticket based, hiring an automotive industry keynote speaker is a great way to help push those sales. People don’t necessarily want to pay to hear upper management speak about sales or new technologies, but a keynote speaker provides a refreshing change. Unlike managers and owners, keynote speakers are also trained in how to give a talk, how to entertain, and how to keep the audience interested in what they have to say. Hiring a well-known and reputable speaker is a great way to generate interest in your event, and will have a lasting impact on attendees. It’s also a great way to generate interest in your event from the media. Again, if you are selling tickets, it’s a fantastic way to increase ticket sales. If you are hoping to simply get your message to a wide audience, and are running the event for free, it’s still a fantastic way to get as many people to your event as possible.


An automotive industry keynote speaker is in a much better position to educate your audience than a generic keynote speaker with little knowledge of your industry. If you have something you need to teach your audience, such as a new technology, sales technique, or anything else about your industry, a keynote speaker will be able to help your crowd learn. If this is the route you wish to take, one good idea is to hire a keynote speaker who also has the ability to present with a humorous tone. Study after study has shown that humor not only brings a room full of people together best, but it also helps people learn faster and retain more information than a serious-toned speaker ever could.


If your aim with your seminar, conference, or convention is to inspire your audience, whether it be for sales reasons or simply to boost company morale, an automotive industry keynote speaker is in a much better position to get that goal accomplished. Your employees, clients, and colleagues have all heard upper management and business owners speak before – chances are, if you need to inspire, those individuals have not been able to get that task accomplished. There’s no shame in realizing that you need to hire someone with more skill in that area, and a keynote speaker is an ideal candidate for that job.

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