Types of PVC Valves Used in Plumbing

by | Feb 19, 2016 | Business

Plumbing valves are vital devices that control the flow of either liquid, i.e. water, or gas, i.e. natural gas line, through a pipe. Every kind of plumbing valve has a control system that lets someone work the valve, so as to control the liquid inside of it and allows it to flow or stop flowing, depending on the need and the situation.

Quite often, these valves are PVC valves, as this material is durable, light and long lasting. These valves must be chosen carefully so they are the correct size to fit the pipe they are used with, and the professionals at Flex PVC can assist you in finding and purchasing the correct size of PVC valves for your needed repair or modification.

PVC Valves are Chosen Based on Application, Pipe Size, Local Building Codes

When choosing and installing PVC valves, you will need to make sure that they fit the pipe; the valves may also need a special type of connector to attach them to that pipe. Depending on the local building codes where the installation is being done, things like size, material, and features of the valves are often regulated.

When attaching a valve to a pipe, various methods are used. Some valves have threaded ends and these are simply screwed together tightly. Other kinds of valves are attached using flanges, in which they connect using screws and bolts. A third kind has to be welded together so it will have a watertight seal.

Common Types of Plumbing Valves

There are several kinds of common plumbing valves, including the stop valve, ball valve, diaphragm valve, and check valve.

Stop Valve: A stop valve is made of a thin flap about the size of the pipe’s diameter. It is worked via a wheel outside of the pipe that can be rotated to either open or close the flap.

Ball Valve: A ball valve has a handle to work it that is outside of the pipe it is installed inside, and if someone turns that handle, it causes a metal ball to block or to unblock the flow of liquid.

Check Valve: The check valve controls the flow of liquid in a pipe, as well as making sure that liquid only flows one way. This is common in a sewer system so the sewage water can’t flow backwards back inside the home.

Diaphragm Valve: This valve has a diaphragm at the top and a wheel on the outside. The wheel controls a compressor that either pushes the diaphragm into place or lifts it up, so as to let liquid flow or stop.

Make sure to do your research to find the PVC valves that you will need for your project.

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