Tips for Choosing industrial Air Compressors in PA

by | Dec 18, 2017 | Air Quality

While the power provided by air compressors may be considered a luxury or convenience for a home handyman or independent contractor, it is an absolute must for most industrial operations. Those responsible for choosing which Industrial air compressors PA companies use to have a lot of weight on their shoulders, as picking the right compressor model can dramatically impact an industrial business’s ability to operate efficiently. Read on to find some information that can help.

Determine Intended Use

It’s nearly impossible to choose the right compressor without first considering its intended use. Before looking into options, decide where the compressor will be used and what it will be used for, as these two factors can substantially narrow down the business’s options.

Portable or Stationary

If the air compressor will need to be used in many different areas of the building, it’s always best to purchase a portable compressor with a wheeled design. However, most portable air compressors don’t provide the same kind of power as stationary units. Only choose a portable compressor for applications that don’t require too much power, and consider whether longer air hoses would be a better alternative.

Fuel Source

Most air compressors run off of either gas or electricity. Compressors that will be run off of electricity require constant and consistent access to the power grid, as running them off of generators can cause substantial damage to the units due to fluctuations in power delivery. Using long extension cords is also not recommended, so the best option for those who don’t have easy and consistent access to electricity may want to look into gas-powered units.

Determine PSI

By determining the maximum operating pressure, or PSI, that will be required prior to starting the hunt for Industrial air compressors PA businesses can narrow down their choices when it comes to design. Two-stage models offer a higher maximum operating pressure than single-stage compressors, so any business that will be using many tools or will be using tools that have a high CFM rating should purchase a compressor with a two-stage design.

Get Some Help

The best thing for anyone having trouble deciding on an industrial air compressor to do is to ask for help from a professional provider like Air Center Inc. Browse website for additional information or get in touch with any questions today.

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