Getting Estimates From a Collision Center in Scottsdale, AZ

by | Jul 4, 2014 | Auto Repair Shop

Following an auto accident, it is likely that there are going to be some vehicle repairs needed. As long as one has insurance coverage, he or she can get the damages paid. In order to do this, the driver needs to get estimates to give to their insurer. The insurance company may also require that drivers go to specific auto shops to have the work done. The best auto shops are those that will take care of the bulk of the insurance work for their customers.

There are many things that one has to do in order to get their damages paid for by insurance and have repairs done at a Collision Center in Scottsdale, AZ. These include:

1. Get Information – All parties involved in the accident must exchange insurance information. Be sure to have names, contact information, vehicle information (make and model), and the name of the other party’s insurer.

2. Call the Insurer – Call the other party’s insurer and inform them about all of the damages, both physical injuries and property damage. Never rely on the other party to do this to make sure that the insurance company has the information they need, even if the other driver doesn’t provide it to them right away.

3. File the Claim – To do this, it is necessary to have the police report. Simply ask for a copy for insurance purposes. It will be necessary to file claims for injuries at this time as well in order to be covered. Any expenses should be in the claim, including medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and lost wages.

4. Get Two Estimates – Most insurers are going to want to see at least two estimates, and they will almost always only be willing to pay the lower amount of the two. They will likely want to have their own adjuster photograph the vehicle and look over the damages. Don’t forget to include any bills for towing and storage.

It may be necessary to have a rental vehicle while repairs are being done at a Collision Center in Scottsdale. This is something else that will be covered by insurance. Be sure to get an estimate from Arcadia Body Shop. Click here to read more.

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