First impressions take just a few seconds to form, but may last many months longer. The failure to effectively light the outside of commercial property can be sufficient for customers to go elsewhere without setting a foot inside the building. Conversely, the effective use of commercial landscape lighting fixtures can be welcoming and invite individuals to step inside.
Too Much Light Is Unwelcome
Some organizations simply add too much lighting to the outside of their property, so you feel like you’re walking in New York’s Times Square on the last day of the year, waiting for the big ball to drop. Too much glare or bright lights provides a negative influence
Apart from considering the financial constraints, many organizations look to reduce the amount of energy they are using and as lighting costs between 20 and 30% of most utility bills, when it’s time to upgrade, those that control the finances look to install efficient and effective commercial landscape lighting fixtures, with the introduction of more LED lighting, while often reducing the overall brightness and tone of lighting throughout, from the outside of the building.
Quality Is More Important Than Quantity
Modern thinking is to allow color to increase the range of lighting elements possible throughout the landscaping. This encourages the setting to both feel natural and look inviting to visitors. This includes the use of natural light during the day and moonlight during the evening hours.
The use of less lighting matches the need to waste less energy and reduce the overall electric bill. Where this can be matched with LED lighting compared to traditional sources, with the introduction of solar powered lighting where possible, this proves that the quality of the lighting is more important than the quantity.
Taking Control of Your Lighting
Simply flicking a light switch between on and off no longer meets modern requirements. Commercial landscape lighting fixtures can include photocells within solar powered lighting to ensure that lights stay off during the day, but come on as the quality of light reduces, having taken solar power energy from the sun during the day.
To make operating your commercial landscape lighting efficient, there are an ever-increasing number of control systems that can be managed by timers and more so in modern times, through Wi-Fi. This provides users with flexibility over their lighting systems.
Sensible organizations will talk to their employees as well as their local community to find out what people really think of the lighting systems and how they may be changed. Taking control and reducing the high number of light fixtures, replacing them with effective models around your property, may well increase its attractiveness.