Financial problems have a way of sneaking up on people and causing them much stress and anxiety. There are situations where cash is needed very quickly and traditional bank loans take much time to process. A faster alternative is now available and it is a Cash For Car Title in Lake Worth FL loan. This type of loan is very beneficial because approval occurs in only one hour and the cash is available the same day. Even better, there are no application fees or credit checks. This is helpful to those with less than stellar credit scores. It is a common misconception that the vehicle retrieved by the lender, but this is simply untrue. The applicant keeps the vehicle for the duration of the loan. It is important to make payments on time.
In order for the vehicle to be considered as loan collateral, it must be a 2004 or newer model and have less than 130,000 miles driven on it. The car needs to be in good working order and be free from any other liens. An applicant may borrow up to $3000 depending on the value of the vehicle. A professional staff member will inspect the vehicle and determine the value.
Many people Contact Cash 2 U for their car title loans because they offer more than ten years of experience in this industry. They typically offer loans with a term of one year. This allows the applicant to enjoy affordable monthly payments. This lender offers simple interest loans that are easy to understand. Most people have no problems becoming approved for this type of loan.
It is possible to get up to $3000 with a Cash For Car Title in Lake Worth FL loan. It is important to bring in certain documents when applying for the loan. Proof of income and residency is a must. An applicant also needs to bring in a cell phone or traditional phone bill, proof of insurance, a Florida vehicle title, and a Florida driver’s license. This type of loan is truly hassle-free and most people are very pleased with the terms of the loan. It is a great way to get money that is needed to pay for repairs or for an unexpected bill.