If your bike’s parts are toast, don’t wait around before you start looking for a replacement. You could go for vintage ones or upgrade to the more modern options, whether you’re shopping for wheels or Harley Davidson big twin dash gauges. Just make sure you don’t make the following mistakes:
Compromising on quality
This is a fact H-D enthusiasts are well-known for: never skimp on quality. That said, it’s essential to make sure the parts you’re buying don’t fall short on quality.
Going in blind
Before you even buy, make sure you know as much as you can, whether you’re buying a part or motorcycle, says the Biker’s Garage. Never go into a possible sale blind. Equip yourself with as much knowledge as you can. If you don’t, you’ll be easy prey for salesmen looking to sell and unload parts on you that you won’t probably even need.
Being an emotional buyer
As in all things, emotions could get in the way of getting great cost-savings. If you leap before you start asking questions, you could end up buying parts that aren’t exactly right for your Harley. That or you could buy them at too high a cost. Hold your cards close to your chest. Don’t show too much of your excitement. If they know you’re excited, that could jack up the price of those Harley Davidson big twin dash gauges pretty quick.
Not getting help
This isn’t a test of your manhood. If you aren’t an expert at catching fakes, then reach out to someone who is. Ask them for help. If you own an H-D, then it would be a good idea to join a group. It’ll be easy enough to reach out to everyone there and ask for a bit of help. Fellow enthusiasts are almost always happy to find other H-D aficionados and share what they know.