Maintaining Asphalt Floors Of Basketball Courts In Guilford CT

by | Sep 27, 2016 | Business

If a hotel or park has asphalt basketball courts in Guilford, CT on their property, they will want to take the needed steps in maintaining it so those who use it are safe from injury. A basketball court with cracked or crumbled portions of asphalt would lead to the possibility of someone tripping while in that area. It would also compromise the game, leading to frustration of those playing it. Here are some steps one can take to upkeep their basketball court, so it appears nice and offers a safe surface to play upon.

It is extremely important that someone takes the time to do an assessment of the condition of the basketball court often. Taking a walk over the surface observing for areas with cracks will allow someone to make repairs before deterioration of the asphalt gets worse. An asphalt surface should be cleaned often, so debris does not allow for water accumulation to occur. When water pools up on an asphalt surface, it could lead to premature deterioration. The courts can be swept or power-washed to remove dust and grime. A leave blower can be used to remove leaves and twigs.

If a crack is noticed within the asphalt, it should be filled in immediately, so it does not become worse in size. Pieces of crushed rock can be pushed into the crack to give the flooring a bit of stability. Asphalt cement can then be applied to fill in spaces around the crushed rock pieces. It will also need to be spread over the edges of the crevice to contain the rocks inside. This medium will harden, leaving behind slightly darker markings on the flooring. Because of this, many opt to repaint a basketball court if the repair interferes with guidelines needed to play the game.

If someone is interested in having an asphalt service come to their establishment to make repairs to floors of basketball courts in Guilford, CT, they will want to hire a company known for their professional work. Visit the website of a reputable service in the area to browse their services and to get contact information if desired.

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