Labor-based industries all seem to be making a shift towards freelance. Younger people, in particular, seem to be less focused on looking for a salaried position, and more concerned with just getting great gigs. The security of a long-term position is nice, but many workers, in all industries, actually find that restrictive.
Hiring temps from construction staffing agencies for a construction project is a great solution for many, and here’s why:
Temporary Staffing Lets You Expand As Needed
You don’t need to run a huge construction firm to take a big construction job. If you have three or four full-timers, and the job demands a crew of twenty, then as long as you know how to manage twenty people, you need only recruit some extra hands from construction staffing agencies in order to meet the demands of the client.
It’s An Easy Way to Meet Potential Hires
Applications and resumes don’t tell you all that much about how someone is going to be on the job site. Starting by trying people out with construction staffing agencies allows you to headhunt for permanent hires by seeing how your temps are on the job.
You Can Find Skilled People
Construction staffing agencies do work with people who have special skills in plumbing, electrical work, and so on. After working on a few dozen job sites, you tend to pick up some skills, and your temp staff may surprise you.
You don’t need to own a huge construction firm to take on major jobs. Temp staffing helps you cover the gap. Even if your company is just you and a phone in a home office, temp staffing means there’s no job you can’t handle.
Stafforce serves the Jacksonville, FL area with temporary staffing for every field of construction. Handling big jobs and small, Stafforce is focused on connecting the best people for the job.