When a woman finds out that she has an HPV infection, she may be overwhelmed with questions and uncertainties about what this means for her reproductive health. Cervical cancer is the most common buzzword associated with HPV, along with genital warts. Luckily, with routine paps smear tests, HPV infections are routinely caught early and treated before serious problems develop. When it comes to healing your body, there are many non-invasive options for HPV treatment for women.
External HPV Infections
HPV is one of the most common STIs among adults and also one of the most manageable. A healthy adult can fight an HPV infection naturally. There are hundreds of strains with various symptoms, though external HPV infections are often the most obvious. Genital warts are a symptom of an external infection and can be treated with a combination of topical medication and lifestyle changes. When you visit your specialist, they may prescribe a topical ointment that removes infected skin over time. In addition, they may suggest that you equip your immune system with vitamin C, zinc-rich foods and plenty of sleep to help your body fight the infection. To know more, click here.
Internal HPV Infections
Internal HPV infections often occur without obvious symptoms. This is why it is important to have regularly occurring paps smear exams. Only a doctor with special training and equipment can spot the abnormal cells that indicate an internal infection. HPV legions or cervical “dysplasia” are visual indicators of an infection and require special treatment. Your doctor may conduct a colposcopy to collect as a sample of the tissue for a biopsy. A biopsy will determine if the growth is precancerous/cancerous and how much it has progressed. From there, your doctor can recommend cryosurgery (freezing), laser surgery, electrocauterization or more natural methods and supplements. All of these treatments help kill the virus and provide your body with the opportunity to fight the infection naturally.
Luckily, most HPV treatment for women is noninvasive and can be done in less than an hour without anesthetics. Routine checkups are highly recommended.