You’ll need to factor in a lot of things into your hiring decision before you pick a company for solar panel installation in Palm Desert. Read on for questions you can ask to help you cover as much ground as possible.
How are the reviews?
Check out the company’s reviews. What’s the dominant tone of the reviews? If there’s plenty of positive feedback, then that means you’re on the right hiring track. If you have a ton of poor reviews, though, that means the company is a bad bet. Do yourself a favor and eliminate that company from your list of prospective installers.
Do they need to be licensed?
At the least, look for a business license. That way, you know that the company is operating well within legal bounds. Since the installation process will involve dealing with electrical connections, it’s smart to assume that you’ll need to look for an installer with a licensed electrician on board. Keep that in mind when you scout around for a company to handle your solar panel installation in Palm Desert.
Who’s going to do it?
Some dodgy companies will let you talk to their star contractors, only to pass on your project to someone else when you say yes. Don’t let that happen. Be clear on who’s going to do the work on your home before you say yes, the GearBrain says. That way, if you don’t like the crew, you can always walk away and look for help elsewhere.
What does the warranty cover?
Before you pick an installer, take the time to compare warranty terms and conditions. Some firms may provide a year’s amount of coverage while others may offer more than that. Which companies are confident about giving you an excellent warranty policy? Then you’ll want to consider signing up with one of them.