The Importance of Spot Welding in Cleveland

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Metal Fabrication

If you work with sheet metal in Cleveland, you may have the need for resistance spot welding or RSW. It can be a very effective way to permanently join two pieces of metal together. But what is a spot weld and is it the best option for you? Let’s examine the process a little more closely.

It’s All about Electrical Resistance

In order to weld two sections of metal, they are both heated by resistance. The two pieces of metal are clamped with electrodes made from a copper alloy. This serves two purposes. It holds the metals together tightly and allows for a flow of electricity. When a large amount of electricity flows through the electrodes, the resistance provided by the metal generates a great deal of heat in one “spot”. The heat is sufficient to melt the metals together.

A typical spot welding unit in Cleveland utilizes a handle to operate a clamping mechanism, which applies a great deal of pressure to the pointed electrodes. Because the area to be welded is small, it can apply a high amount of heat without heating the entire surface of the metal material.

Determining the Power to Weld

How much heat you apply is determined by the electric current used and resistance from the metals. This is why a good spot welder has a means of adjusting the current applied. If you use too little current, you may get a poor weld which could break over time. When too much electricity is applied, it can actually burn a hole through the materials.

Projection Welds

Spot welding can be used for other applications in Cleveland. For example, a projection welder uses two flat shaped electrodes. This allows for a greater variation of welding. In fact, one can weld curved metal or materials where more than one point of contact (weld) is required.

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