There Is Nothing To Fear About Foreclosure In Woodbury MN

by | Dec 5, 2014 | Law

When faced with uncertain economic times, most people have trouble envisioning their future without a certain degree of apprehension. Much of this has to do with the inability of making car payments or falling behind on one’s mortgage payments. While this is not uncommon, if an arrangement is not worked out with the bank or lender in question a repossession of your vehicle or home may be entirely possible.

If you have not paid your mortgage in a prompt fashion, there is usually a grace period in which you can still pay your monthly payment. While the lender can ask for an additional fee at this time, a late payment can prevent a home Foreclosure in Woodbury MN. Should you be late with several payments in a row, the wise thing to do is speak with the lending office in question to arrange for a more flexible payment plan.

When there is no way to avoid a Foreclosure in Woodbury MN, then as a consumer you need to know your legal rights. Unlike what you may have seen on television and in the movies, no one is coming to your home the very next morning to dispose of your belongings. On the contrary, prior to a Foreclosure in Woodbury MN the information has to be printed in a local newspaper for six weeks.

After this time, the sheriff’s office handles any Foreclosure in Woodbury MN in their own offices. At this time, the homeowner can still come to this meeting with the required finances to reclaim their home. Should they not have the available funding, the lender who financed the home can bid to take this home back. The residents of this home then have six months in which to vacate the home, or buy it back including the interest that has accrued during this period of time.

For more information on this and other legal matters, the best place to begin your research is at the web pages of This website is sponsored by the Lamey Law Firm Woodbury MN and they welcome any inquiries that you might have. If you have a legal matter, their legal team offers a no-cost consultation that can often alleviate many of your fears.


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