Avoid Expensive Home Damages Using Expert Plumbers in Lebanon NJ

by | Feb 17, 2016 | Plumbing

A home is a major purchase, and no one wants to see anything happen while they are making payments. Unfortunately, accidents will occur, and even the best plumbing installation can fail. This is the time to contact experienced plumbers in Lebanon NJ. Consider the case of a simple water leak under a bathroom cabinet. The leak may only be a few drips per minute, but that water quickly adds up. The more serious concern in this situation is not the leak, but any secondary damage that the water will cause.

Secondary damages are issues like crumbling drywall or the bottom of the cabinets getting soaked and the wood disintegrating. The latter occurs because the wood is a man-made material. Once this constructed wood soaks up enough water, the fibers of the wood chips begin to swell. This destroys the bond between the wood and the resin and this bond cannot be restored. That’s because the lumber is made with pressure treatment so it comes out denser than most wood. Another secondary concern is damage to flooring. Wood floors have a tendency to stain or warp when saturated with water.

Plumbers in Lebanon NJ handle all types of failures, including those unexpected problems that pop up in the middle of the night. Emergency plumbing visits may be a little more expensive, but it’s nice to be able to call in an expert when they are sorely needed. The two most common emergencies are sudden leaks and clogged drains. Fixing leaks often require the replacement of portions of the pipe. Thankfully, some surprises that show up during an emergency can be avoided with a thorough plumbing inspection.

Some people may think inspections are a waste of time and money, but an experienced plumber can locate a number of potential problems with very little effort. Areas to focus on are those things that could cause a failure at some later date. This includes items such as pipe hangers, poorly placed pipe joints and problems with aging pipes. The latter happens more often than people realize, especially with certain PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes. Visit Schaibles Plumbing & Heating Inc to learn more about plumbing repairs and installations.

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