Back Pain Inhibiting Life? A Chiropractor In Auburn WA Can Help

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Health Care

Back pain is a common health issue today that affects eight out of ten people. It is a prevalent problem among Americans. Statistics from the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) show that at least thirty-one million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time. This can have a severe effect on one’s quality and integrity of life.

If you are one of the sixty-five million Americans suffering from back pain, A Chiropractor in Auburn WA can help. Chiropractic is a conservative and natural healing in American science more than one hundred and three years old. Its basic wellness dates back to spinal manipulations first used in the fourth century.

What Is A Chiropractor

A chiropractor is a primary care doctor who specializes in spinal health and well-being. They focus on the prevention, diagnosis and conservative care of spine-related disorders and other painful joint issues. In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors also provide soft-tissue therapies, lifestyle recommendations, fitness coaching, and nutritional advice.

Back Pain Symptoms

Back pain is extremely common and should not be ignored. It can vary in severity from an every now and then ache to throbbing sharp pain. Back pain is often accompanied by other symptoms that may help to determine its cause. These can include, but are not limited to fibromyalgia, degenerative arthritis, inflammatory arthritis, osteoporosis or a protruding disk. If ignored, it can truly affect the quality of life.

Signs I Should A Chiropractor For Back Pain

The spine is made of 24 bones that are connected to muscles and ligaments that create the spinal column. This gives the body its form and function and also helps to hold and protect the spinal cord. If the spine becomes injured, it can cause chronic back pain. Signs of a back problem can include pain from a car accident, pain doesn’t go away, weakness in your legs or problems with balance.

Other Services

Chiropractors can service multiple numbers of issues. These all stem from the musculoskeletal function. Other services include comprehensive neurological exams, orthopedic exams, x-rays, health history, underlying causes of conditions, massage therapy and follow up appointments.

Back pain, if gone untreated, can truly cause a decrease in the quality of life. Suffer not more and visit a Chiropractor in Auburn WA.

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