Facing Challenges Related to Slab Leaks in San Diego, California

by | Sep 24, 2014 | Plumbing

If you own a home with a concrete slab foundation, the last thing you want to hear about is Slab Leaks in San Diego. Slab leaks is a professional as well as an insurance term for leaks that occur in pipes underneath a concrete slab. These sort of leaks can cause a great deal of damage to the concrete foundation of your home over time, and can also cost your great deal of money, depending on the type of pipes that are leaking. This is because if it’s a freshwater supply, you could be throwing away a great deal of money every month to increased water bills due to your water leak. However, the question you’re going to have is how is this type of leak going to be repaired.

The first step in repairing a leak such as this is to have a company like Workright Plumbing come to your home and determine where the leak is coming from. There are various methods that plumbing companies have to investigate the plumbing in and outside of the home in order to determine where leak is coming from. Once the leak has been identified as a slab leak, then the plumbing company can come to you with options for repairing the leak. One of the most extensive repairs is to replace the pipe. This requires a great deal of work but it can be done. In most cases, an epoxy repair kit is installed inside the plumbing pipe to repair small leaks.

The question you may have about this procedure is the cost. While it varies between insurance carriers, most insurance companies will cover the cost of leak detection and they will also cover the cleanup and restoration costs if the leak is significant enough. However, most insurance companies won’t cover the actual repair of the pipe, so you’ll need to be prepared for this.

Slab Leaks in San Diego can be extremely significant, but they can also be rather minor, and the hope is that your slab leak is going to be minor. Regardless of how extensive it is, it’s good to know that there are ways to fix it and it’s also good to know that you can rely on your home insurance policy to cover some of the costs of recovering from a very significant and very difficult problem to deal with. Click here for more details.

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