How Athletes Benefit From the Positive Physiological and Psychological Effects of Sport Massage in Oahu HI

by | Jul 16, 2014 | Health

Many athletes spend their time searching for ways to improve their athletic performance and gain an edge on the playing field. While protein shakes, energy drinks, and supplements can definitely help with this, it’s important that athletes realize that there are other ways to achieve this goal. Sports massage not only has great benefits for the athlete’s body, but it can also help improve your mood and mental state to help you do better at the next game or practice. If you’re an athlete who is still wondering whether Sport massage in Oahu HI will be worth your time, keep reading to discover several physiological and psychological benefits that make it a great investment:

Effects on the Body

Sport massage can work to promote good blood flow and circulation, which is important for heart health and can help with endurance. The increased blood flow from regular sports massage also helps relieve muscle soreness and can reduce the chances that your ability to play the game will be hindered by delayed onset muscle soreness. When your muscles are relaxed, you can move better with more range of motion and increased flexibility. Finally, massage has been shown to be good for your muscles because it reduces inflammation (and therefore reduces pain) and promotes the production of new mitochondria, which leads to faster muscle building and recovery.

Effects on the Mind

Getting a massage before or after a hard game or practice session can help with relaxation by stimulating the release of endorphins like dopamine and serotonin in your brain. When that happens, your anxiety, tension, and cortisol (stress hormone) levels all begin to decline as your mood brightens and your mind clears. When you’re in a relaxed state, you’re also able to exhibit better focus on the game or practice session at hand.

You don’t have to be an injured athlete in order to enjoy all that a good Sport massage in Oahu HI has to offer. While your performance during the game is important, you must realize that having a better game starts with making sure you are well-rested and fully recovered before you play. As you commit to a regular sports massage routing, you’ll be able to rest assured that you’ll be well on your way to boosting your performance as you continue to do what you love. Visit Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage for more information.

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