How You can Chose the Best Facility for Assisted Living in Washington DC

by | Jul 16, 2014 | Assisted Living

Locating the very best facility for assisted living in Washington DC for your elderly loved one is one of the most important and the most challenging decisions that you will ever have to make. Some things to look for when you are evaluating various assisted living facilities are highlighted here. Keep in mind, you should visit each potential location, in order to see first-hand what they have to offer.


Does the community appear to be clean and fresh smelling? You should look beyond just the furnishings and into the windows, baseboards and corners. You should ask questions such as how often housekeeping is provided for your loved ones personal living space. You should also ensure that you receive all of the details regarding the maintenance that is offered and about the laundry procedures. Be sure that you find out what is offered and how much it will cost each month.

Visit During Activities

It is important that you try to schedule your tour while some type of community event is taking place at the facility that is offering assisted living in Washington DC. Take note of whether or not the events and activities are well attended. Also, does the staff, as well as the residents, seem to be enjoying the organized activities? Be sure to take a look of the upcoming events, and ensure they match the various interests of your loved one.


The friendliness and attitude of the staff are extremely important, as well. You should ensure that you observe a number of staff members interacting with the existing residents at the facility. Do they listen to what they have to say and make eye contact? Also, get to know the staffing pattern. How many individuals are actually involved in the care of the residents? Be sure that you receive an introduction to the management team, which will help you to understand the actual property goals.

Taking the time to choose the right assisted living facility is essential. With the tips here, this decision can be made much easier. Also, contact Taylor Farm Assisted Living for more information regarding assisted living and whether or not it is right for your elderly loved one.

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