Marketing Research Shines a Light on Purchasing Trends for Eyeglasses in NYC and Elsewhere

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Eyeglasses

Marketing researchers keep an eye on the demographics of population groups wearing corrective Eyeglasses in NYC and elsewhere. They want to know which age groups, genders, and other demographic identifiers are associated with different products. That helps optometrists, opticians and eyeglass designers respond to consumer demand more effectively.

Style Trends and Additional Pairs

Designers want to be able to help shape trends when they notice an interest in current popular products just starting to fade. Marketing research also helps optometry clinics and retail centers sell more glasses that consumers use as a second pair. Most commonly, this is a pair of sunglasses with prescription lenses.

People also are increasingly buying an additional pair of glasses to express a different side of their personality. They might wear one pair to work and another when they go out socializing.

Computer Eyeglasses

Another strong trend in regard to the additional pair of Eyeglasses in NYC is having a set designed for working on the computer. Traditional prescription lenses do not effectively address the normal distance between where someone sits and the computer screen they gaze at.

The result is eyestrain with tired eyes, headaches and a general sense of fatigue. Special lenses that are crafted for this typical distance prevent eyestrain.

The Economy and Purchasing Behavior

Retailers like Charlotte Jones Opticians see a strong connection between the economy and consumer preferences for eyewear. When people are working and able to have some disposable income, they may spend some of that extra cash on higher-end frames and additional pairs of glasses. They are significantly less likely to keep their current frames when they have their lenses changed after a vision exam.

A Strong Market

The market for eyeglasses is very strong, with some 75 percent of the U.S. adult population wearing them. Even those who prefer contact lenses nearly always have a pair of glasses as well.

They might wear glasses first thing in the morning and later in the day when their eyes feel tired from many hours with contacts in. Since people want to look attractive when wearing glasses, the choice of frames and lens style is important.

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