Signs That You Need New Windows

by | Oct 13, 2014 | Home Improvement

One of the most used, yet commonly neglected parts of any home are the windows. Over time the windows in your home will take a lot of abuse, which usually means that you will need to have them repaired or replaced in order to maintain their functionality. Having broken or damaged windows can affect many different facets of your home, especially when it comes to energy efficiency. The best way to ensure that your windows are installed and repaired properly is by hiring an experienced professional that can do the work for you. Here are a few signs you need to look for when it is time to replace a window in your home.

Discoloration around the Seal

One of the most noticeable signs that it is time to replace a window in your home is a visible discoloration around the seal. Usually, this discoloration is caused by water getting behind the seal and creating mildew. The longer that you leave this problem unattended, the more damage you can possibly due to your home. As soon as you start to notice that you are having this type of problem, you need to call in a professional to give you some assistance.

Glass Problems

Another very common problem that you may notice with your windows when it is time to have them replaced is problems with the glass. Over time, the seal that goes around the glass will begin to buckle and become damaged due to exposure to the weather. This can cause the Glass in the windows at your Berkshire home to become loose and broken. The only way to have this problem fixed is by calling in a professional to replace the window for you. They will be able to get you a new window in in a timely and efficient manner.

Painted Shut

Yet another very common problem, especially in older homes, regarding the windows is being painted shut. Over time, many homes will undergo a variety of different looks and paint jobs and in some cases the windows may be painted over, which can cause a lot of problems. The more coats of paint that are put on a window, the harder it will be to get them to function properly. If you are noticing that windows in your home are hard to open due to this problem, then it is time to have them replaced by a professional.

The glass professionals of Direct Glazing provides talented and experienced technicians to handle all of your glass and window replacement needs in the area of Berkshire.




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