Strategies to Help Children Feel Relaxed About Appointments at Family Dentistry Services in Midwest City OK

by | May 9, 2018 | Dentist

Parents of young children can help make their visits to Family Dentistry Services in Midwest City OK a positive experience. Kids can understandably be nervous when they see the dentist at the clinic, especially if this is the first visit. It’s an unfamiliar environment and they may feel they have no control over what is happening.

No Fear

One important tip is for parents to never let a child know if Mom or Dad has any phobias about going to the dentist. A parent who cannot control anxiety when inside a dental clinic should not be the one bringing the youngster to the appointments.

Getting Familiar

Before taking children to one of the Family Dentistry Services in Midwest City OK, the parents might drive by the place with the kids and point out the building. The children then recognize the place when they arrive for their first appointment. Parents also might show the child a picture of the building on the clinic’s website, such as the one shown at

Describing the Upcoming Appointment

The parents can explain what happens during professional teeth cleaning and checkups, doing so in a way that reassures the children this is nothing to worry about. There are easy books and brief articles available to read to youngsters that give an overview of an appointment at the dental clinic in a cheerful manner.

Important Work

Dentists and dental hygienists at a clinic like Sunnyland Family Dentistry might be described as people who help everyone keep their teeth strong and healthy. If the children are old enough to understand the basics of what cavities are, dentists can be praised as doctors who help prevent cavities. Kids may start looking forward to the appointment because they know the people they will see there are doing really important work.

After-Appointment Reward

After the appointment, a reward for a successful trip can be provided. It should be connected with the concept of keeping teeth healthy. Some clinics offer a free toothbrush after each appointment. If not, the parent can provide this as a reward, allowing the child to choose the color at the store. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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