The Challenges of Water Drainage Repair in Branford, CT

by | Dec 29, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

When a person thinks about concrete or asphalt used for a driveway or parking lot, they usually don’t give a great deal of thought as to just how delicate these surfaces are. Granted, the surfaces are extremely durable and they take a great deal of punishment. However, there are outdoor elements that can take its toll on these surfaces. One particular outdoor element that can cause a great deal of damage is water. However, while these surfaces can hold up to excessive amounts of rain, what can cause many concrete or asphalt surfaces to fail is issues with water drainage. In these situations, Water Drainage Repair in Branford CT may be required.

Water drainage issues can creep up for a number of different reasons. The concrete or asphalt surface may be excessively large and the drainage system may not have the capacity to handle the amount of water that runs off of these surfaces. In some cases, excessive amounts of rain that fall in a very short period of time can overwhelm even the most substantial drainage system. This backed up water may not affect the surface initially, but water seeping into this porous material can erode substrate materials that are the foundation of a paved area.

With Water Drainage Repair in Branford CT, the first step is going to be to determine what needs to be done to allow water to drain off of the surfaces. In some cases, expanding the water drainage system or improving the efficiency of an existing system may be required. Once that is done, then the damage that the failure in the water damage system has created to the paved surfaces will need to be addressed. Sometimes, simple surface repairs are all that will be needed. In other situations, significant excavation as well is repairing the foundation of the paved surfaces needs to take place in addition to repaving the damaged areas.

Water drainage repairs can be minor or significant. However, they’re not something that you can afford to ignore. With that in mind, it’s important to make sure that professionals handle this type of repair. That’s why many businesses in the Branford area turn to a company like Atwater Paving. Not only can they handle paving issues, they can also help repair paved areas that have been damaged by poor water drainage.

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