Tips for Protecting Yourself from Ticks this Summer

by | Jun 21, 2017 | Pest Control Service

Summer is right around the corner and families are gearing up to spend some time in the great outdoors. However, amid all the outdoor BBQ’s on the deck and the fun in the sun is the very real worry that you could be bitten by ticks, especially the deer ticks, that can lead to Lyme disease, something you don’t want to have to deal with. With that in mind, read on below for some tips from pest control in Folsom area on how you can protect yourself and your family from being bitten by ticks this upcoming summer.

Hire Reputable Pest Control
The first thing you will want to do is hire reputable pest control in Folsom to come in and spray your yard and home to help cut down on and exterminate any ticks that may already be lingering in your yard. A contract to keep your home pest free year-round is the best way to prevent ticks and every other type of pest from invading your space.

Keep Your Yard Clean and Organized
To keep your yard tick-free, you need to keep it neatly maintained. Trim shrubs and trees and keep the grass mowed especially around the patio and play areas. Make sure to remove all woodpiles and other debris from the area, as they will attract ticks and other pests as well.

Take Care of Your Pets
The biggest thing you do to protect you and your family from ticks is to protect your pet as well. Make sure not to walk your pet in tall grass, which is where ticks like to hide, as they will bring the ticks back to your home. Inspect your pet all the time for signs of ticks and use a preventive flea and tick treatment to help prevent them as well.

For more information, contact the professionals at Apex Pest Control Inc.

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