What Happens When You Need Glass Repair in Downers Grove?

by | Feb 25, 2015 | Glass

Experiencing a broken windshield can be a hassle no one wants to deal with. Unfortunately, windshield damage can happen at any time. Often, it is caused by rocks or other debris flying off of the road. When this happens, you need to seek Glass Repair in Downers Grove. The sooner you have your windshield repaired, the less likely there will be permanent damage that is impossible to fix.

When you need Glass Repair in Downers Grove, the mobile unit can often come to you. Repairs are carried out in under an hour and typically only take thirty minutes. The first part of the repair involves preparing the glass. This is done through cleaning the class and then vacuuming it to remove any debris. It is imperative the glass is as clean as possible so the resin used will be able to fully bond with the glass.

Resin is carefully prepared and then piped into the damaged area. This is done slowly so as few air bubbles develop as possible. This type of resin has the unique ability to become instantly hardened and cured with a special UV light. This allows it to become fully bonded with the glass so a seamless repair is achieved.

While many types of windshield damage can be repaired through this method, there are some that cannot:

  • Older damage cannot be repaired because it often has become corrupted with debris and toxins from the environment.
  • Cracks that are larger than a foot long cannot be repaired because the windshield will not be strong enough after the repair.
  • Dings that are larger than a fifty cent piece often cannot be repaired.
  • Damaged done in the driver’s field of vision cannot be repaired through this method since the repair may distort the driver’s ability to see clearly.

If you are in need of repairs for your windshield, Check Out Bolingbrookglass.net. They will be happy to come to you so your damage can be repaired. Contact them today for more information so your glass can be repaired and look new again. This will prevent further damage and the need for full replacement.

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