Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement for the Average American Couple

by | Jan 11, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

No one wants to think about the possibility of a dissolution of their marriage. When you’re preparing to say, “I do”, the last thing on your mind is what will happen if things don’t work out. However, time and life are unpredictable forces, and even the most successful marriages can be undone by them. If you want to prepare for the unexpected and protect your assets and family, visit a family law attorney and ask about a prenup.

What Does a Prenuptial Agreement Guarantee?

Going into a marriage with assets of your own – especially those previously belonging to a prior generation of your family or of substantial value – may mean you have things you’d like to keep, should your marriage dissolve. Likewise, if you make a certain amount of money, particular purchases or other investments during your marriage to your partner, a prenuptial agreement can protect those and ensure your continued ownership of them in the event of divorce. A prenuptial agreement typically does not involve child custody or other issues; these will have to be handled on an individual basis during and after the course of the divorce.

There’s no reason to fear a prenup. Statistically, marriage protected by one of these contracts are no more likely to end than those without. Think of it as an insurance policy; you may never have to use it, but if you do, you’ll certainly be glad it’s there!

Getting a Prenup – It’s Easier than You Think

Once an idea left to the wealthy, prenuptial agreements are becoming more popular with sensible couples everywhere. Setting yours up may be as easy as contacting your lawyer before you walk down the aisle.

Couples in the Jacksonville area can consult the family law attorneys at a local law firm for information and advice on setting up a prenuptial agreement. To ensure the best future for you, your spouse and the family you build together, it’s important to be prepared for anything. Sign a prenup, and protect what’s important – and always will be.

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