Benefits Offered by Video Drain Inspection in Ft Washington MD

by | Dec 30, 2016 | Plumbing

When a homeowner notices an issue with their plumbing system, calling for the help of a plumber is necessary. However, if the issue is located inside the pipe that is either in their yard or under their house, this can present an issue. At this point, a plumber can offer a Video Drain Inspection in Ft Washington MD to pinpoint the issue presently. Learning more about this process can help ensure a homeowner knows why this method is so beneficial.

How the Video Camera Inspection Works

When a homeowner calls a plumber for a Video Drain Inspection in Ft Washington MD they may wonder how the process works. The plumber will use a sewer cable that has a tiny video camera attached to the end. The camera has a radio transmitter inside and uses innovative infrared lighting to see the interior of the pipe clearly. This is typically a two-man job. One individual is sending the camera into the pipe, while the other watches the live video feed. Some of the information that this video inspection provides includes where there is a break in the drain, the condition of the line, where the drain line is located, and other factors.

Advantages of Video Drain Inspection

In addition to finding the precise location of the break, the camera offers a number of other benefits. The plumber can see what the drain is made of and if the break is in just one specific location. This allows the plumber to determine how extensive the issue is and what needs to be done to fix it. This method of inspection is much more effective and accurate than other methods used by plumbers. It ensures that the precise problem is found and that the proper treatment is provided.

Taking some time to learn about video drain inspection can help a person see why this is such a smart option. If a person wants more information, they can take some time to learn about us here. Being informed is the best way to ensure the right treatment for a broken or damaged drain line is provided.

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