FAQs To Ask A Truck Accident Lawyer In Waldorf

by | May 7, 2018 | Lawyers

In Maryland, truck accidents lead to serious injuries based on the circumstances that caused them. In the accidents, a multitude of failures could present a liability for a trucking company. The liabilities open the door to a personal injury claim. A Truck Accident Lawyer in Waldorf helps victims of the unfortunate events collect compensation through legal claims.

Are Insurance Claims Filed?

Typically, the trucking company files an insurance claim when their driver is at fault in the accident. If the policy provides adequate coverage, the accident victim receives enough funds to cover all their medical expenses and auto repair costs. However, if the coverage is inadequate, the victim may seek additional compensation if they have more serious injuries.

What Violations Could Lead to Insurance Denials?

The insurance provider could deny a claim if the truck driver violated any term of the policy. For example, criminal offenses aren’t covered under the commercial auto insurance policies. If the driver was guilty of a DUI, the insurer could deny the insurance claim. When this happens, the trucking company faces the full out of pocket expenses associated with the victim’s needs.

What Conditions Redirect the Liability?

Faulty auto parts or repairs could redirect the liability onto a mechanic shop or a parts manufacturer. The investigation of the accident determines if the trucking company is at fault for the liability. If a product liability such as a faulty part is discovered, the manufacturer is liable for the victim’s injuries. Ultimately, the part failed and caused the accident.

How are Victims Compensated for Their Losses?

The attorney calculates all economic losses incurred by the victim. The losses include medical expenses, auto repair costs, and wages they lost. If the victim couldn’t return to work, the value of their lost wages is increased.

In Maryland, truck accidents present a variety of possibilities that often lead to a personal injury claim. The accidents require an investigation to define the exact cause of the accident. The findings determine if the driver followed regulations and the terms of the company’s insurance policies. Victims who need help from a Truck Accident Lawyer in Waldorf contact Jaklitsch Law Group right now.

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