Frequently Asked Questions About Porcelain Veneers In Del City, OK

by | Dec 13, 2017 | Dentist

Individuals who don’t like the appearance of their front teeth often choose dental veneers as an affordable repair option. Placing the veneers on the teeth is a painless procedure, and it can be completed in two visits to the dentist. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more information about Porcelain Veneers in Del City OK.

How do dental veneers work to cover imperfections in the front teeth?

A dentist places a thin layer of porcelain over the front surface of an individual’s tooth to hide imperfections such as stains, chips, and gaps. Before placing the veneers on the teeth, the dentist will remove a small layer of enamel from the front of the tooth. This step is done so the veneer will fit naturally on the surface of the tooth.

After an impression is made of an individual’s teeth, the veneers are fabricated to replicate the impression. The dentist will then adhere the veneer to the front of the tooth so it stays in place.

Can dental veneers come loose from the teeth or break?

Most individuals will have their porcelain veneers for at least ten years before a dentist will need to replace them. Since they’re made from a strong material, it’s very uncommon for one of them to break. Even though veneers are durable and strong, individuals should take care of them so they’ll last as long as possible.

Why are veneers better than other cosmetic dental procedures?

There are many reasons why individuals choose dental veneers over other procedures. One reason is that veneers are less expensive than other procedures, and individuals can have them in place in a very short time.

Veneers are also popular because they cover several kinds of dental problems. Individuals won’t have to worry about performing any special care when they have Porcelain Veneers in Del City OK, and they can still brush and floss their teeth as usual.

Individuals who live in Del City can contact Sunnylane Family Dentistry to discuss porcelain veneers. Click here to learn about the clinic’s additional dentistry services including crowns, tooth bonding, fillings, teeth whitening, and dental implants. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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