How to Keep Corporate Data Safe and Secure

by | Jun 18, 2014 | Security

In today’s complex and interrelated world, keeping corporate data secure is increasingly difficult but more necessary than ever. By now, just about everyone has heard about the massive leaks of customer financial data at major retail corporations such as Target. Early warning security systems should be in place to alert data security personnel when hackers begin their operations. A secure system protects not only customer information but sensitive internal information as well.

The Mobile Revolution: A New Threat to Corporate Security

Workers are increasingly using mobile devices to access company business email accounts and internal databases. While these devices extend sales opportunities and help smaller companies provide better customer service, they are also a rich source of leaked information. Studies indicate that when businesses allow employees to bring their own devices to work, at least half of them will experience a breach of security. To create a secure system, it is vital that policies be put into place about which types of devices can be used, which apps mobile users should use to access company resources, and other ways to protect company data.

Meeting the Challenge of Corporate Security

Most small businesses do not have the expert staff to handle online security. That’s why many are outsourcing online security efforts to expert companies such as Security Control Systems. Security companies are up-to-date on the latest threats and are able to work within a company to find integrated solutions to prevent the next security breach from ever happening. By working to streamline communications between departments, outside threats can be more quickly recognized and eliminated before a minor problem becomes a major event.

A business is only as secure as its internal data is. When customer financial data is hacked, a major loss of reputation is incurred. Sensitive internal information should remain for employee eyes only lest a business deal fall apart. To prevent a major breach of corporate data, a business should either hire internal staff to develop a stringent security system or outsource it to a reputable business that is able to map and protect the internal network. A secure business has an opportunity to prosper.

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