Injured On The Job? Contact A Workers Comp Lawyer In Burley ID

by | May 15, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Both public and private employers must provide workers’ compensation insurance. When a business has one or more full or part time employees, they are required to have a policy in place. The only exception is if the Idaho Code exempts a worker. There are a variety of employees who are not covered by this policy including household domestic workers, real estate brokers or salespersons when they’re paid strictly by commission, employees covered under Federal Workers’ Compensation, sole proprietors and many others. The law can be very complex to understand that that’s why it’s so important to contact a Workers Comp Lawyer Burley ID when an individual has been injured on the job.

A workplace accident or a possible job-related illness or disease should be reported to your supervisor as quickly as possible. If an employee waits longer than 60 days to report a health issue to their employer, they risk losing their right to collect benefits from the employer’s workers’ compensation benefits. An employer is responsible for providing the injured worker with the necessary paperwork to file a claim. Employers can be very reluctant to give an employee all of the necessary information because a claim against their insurance policy will increase their premiums. They may promise to pay the medical bills an employee received and then fail to follow through. A Workers Comp Lawyer Burley ID will be an advocate for an injured worker and fight for their rights against an employer or insurance company.

An injured worker should always seek medical treatment. Emergency treatment can be given in an emergency room or doctor’s office closest to the accident. Non-emergency care has specific rules an employee must follow before choosing which doctor to see to receive treatment. An employer can designate what doctors will treat an injured worker. If an employer has a company doctor already designated for workers’ compensation injuries, an employee must receive their employer’s approval before they seek treatment with another physician. An injured employee can get help with a free consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Feel free to browse our website to collect disability payments and benefits, medical benefits, final settlements, and so much more.

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