Signs It’s Time for Basement Leak Repair in Rockville

by | Jan 8, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

Identifying water leaks in a basement isn’t always as easy as it sounds. There isn’t always visible pooling water on the floor. Sometimes, the symptoms of basement leaks are much more subtle. Since even leaks that are not visible to the naked eye can lead to disastrous effects in the case of a flood, it’s important to keep an eye out for the following signs that Basement Leak Repair in Rockville might soon become necessary.

Foundation Overflow

Leaks caused by foundation overflow typically appear at the top of basement walls. The water then runs down the walls and onto the floor, which can make it difficult to identify the initial source of the leak. Instead, check for signs of moisture such as mold and mildew growth or excessive humidity then go from there.

Wall Cracks

Wall cracks are by far the most common type of basement leak. These cracks allow rainwater and groundwater to seep into the basement, causing damage to the foundation over time if they are left unchecked. Professional basement waterproofers usually have access to specialized infrared tests that can detect temperature differences in walls indicative of moisture.

Undrained Window Wells

Basement egress windows usually have wells around them and, if they don’t include weeping tiles, these wells sometimes wind up holding water. When this happens, the water can wind up running down the inside of the walls and leading to excessive moisture and damage. Before calling in a professional for Basement Leak Repair in Rockville, check to make sure that the window’s drainage system is not clogged with leaves or debris.

Negative Grading

Even basements that appear to be dry can wind up flooded during a serious storm if the nearby yard is sloped toward the home instead of away from it. Thankfully, basement waterproofing experts can offer more practical solutions than the complete re-grading of the yard itself, but these solutions won’t do much good if homeowners wait until they’re already having problems with flooding to call for help.

Click Here to find more information about basement leaks, basement waterproofing, foundation repairs, and more, or get in touch to schedule a free inspection today.

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