Starting a Medical Malpractice Case with a Litigation Attorney in Mankato, MN

by | Feb 16, 2016 | Lawyers

Minnesota patients are protected against low-quality health care through local and federal laws. The laws that apply to these circumstances make a doctor liable if avoidable injuries are produced. A litigation attorney in Mankato, MN helps patients who acquired these injuries during the course of medical treatment or surgery.

Defining the Circumstances of a Personal Injury Case

The circumstances of a medical malpractice case indicate that the doctor failed to provide a high quality of care. These circumstances identify a medical error during a procedure or a lack of proper treatment initially. These cases could relate to administering the incorrect medication to treat the patient or a failure to provide the medication in an appropriate amount of time. Cases that relate to providing medication are often linked to terminal illnesses and could lead to a wrongful death lawsuit.

What Evidence Is Required for These Cases?

All medical records starting on the day in which the injury occurred are needed. These records should show each step of treatment for the patient and indicate that the doctor fully disclosed all risks to the patient before the treatment was performed. The doctor must have a signed release in these records indicating that this information was provided. It should explain further any additional treatment for the patient after the error or injury occurred.

What Type of Witness Testimony Is Needed in a Medical Malpractice Case?

A medical professional with the exact same credentials as the defendant is needed. This medical witness explains the steps required for the treatment utilized and they identify the error made by the attending physician. They also substantiate the claim made by the patient that the defendant is liable. Their testimony covers the required methods for completing the treatment and what alternative action should have been taken.

Minnesota patients have access to adequate health care as outlined by the law, and this right also protects them against doctors who produce unnecessary injuries. When a medical error occurs, the patients have the right to take action against their attending doctor. Patients who need to start a case should contact a litigation attorney in Mankato, MN by visiting today.

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