When To Consider Hiring A Workers Compensation Attorney

by | Nov 22, 2016 | Attorney

Workers compensation is a type of insurance that is provided by your employer, in the event you do suffer an injury on the job the insurance will replace your wages and pay your medical bills. The downside is, you have to relinquish your rights to take legal action if you feel there is just cause. Under these conditions, it can be difficult to decide if you should sue for negligence and if so when should you hire a workers compensation attorney in Anaheim?

There are a number of reasons that suggest the sooner you engage an attorney, the better:


When you decide to sue your employer you can be assured that the company will be supported with highly experienced lawyers, you must also be prepared to fight fire with fire. It might be nice to think that the company is more concerned about your welfare than it is about profits, rarely is this the case. The company only wants you to get back to work as the longer you claim benefits, the higher their insurance premium will be. Your employer may try to coerce you back to the job before your medical issues have been resolved. When you have a workers compensation attorney in Anaheim you have an advocate that will make sure that you get all the medical care you need and that you will get compensation.

Don’t wait to hire an attorney:

Many workers that are injured on the job try to handle the claim by themselves, it is only after months of frustration and refusal to even consider the claim that they reach a point where they know a lawyer is needed. The sooner you start a claim the better, a good attorney can accomplish far more when they are brought in at the beginning of the claim. Don’t be concerned that your company will see you as their adversary, it is more important that you are properly represented; your employer will be.

There are numerous reasons why you should consider hiring a workers compensation attorney in Anaheim. You are welcome to discuss the circumstances of your work related injury with the Law Offices of Norman J. Homen online at http://lawnjh.com/anaheim-social-security-disability-attorney/

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