Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Cherry Hill, NJ Can Assist You with Your Claim for Nursing Home Neglect

by | Nov 16, 2017 | Lawyers

Every person who places a loved one in a nursing home should expect the highest level of care. Patients should not suffer injury or deprivation of any type. Unfortunately, some nursing homes hire workers who are not adequately trained, or place more emphasis on profits than care.

When your loved one is abused in a nursing home setting, you can sue for neglect by contacting a medical malpractice attorney. An attorney who specializes in these types of cases can handle claims that involve one or more abuses or failures.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse Claims

Medical malpractice attorneys in Cherry Hill, NJ often file claims for cases that involve the following abuses:

* Physical abuse, or instances where a worker or workers pushed, punched, or hit a resident.

* Malnutrition or dehydration, where residents are deprived of adequate nutrition or sufficient hydration.

* Decubitus ulcers or bedsores resulting from a failure to turn a bedridden patient.

* Failure to watch or monitor a patient.

* Errors in mediation, resulting from medicines given at the wrong time or administered in improper dosages.

Making an Appointment for a Consultation

To be successful with this type of lawsuit, medical malpractice attorneys will listen to your account of the situation, so that they can learn precisely what occurred. After taking this information and gathering more details, they will outline a plan to help you realize an equitable outcome.

Outlining a Plan for Your Claim

If your loved one has suffered from abuse or neglect in a nursing home setting, you need to contact medical malpractice attorneys immediately to communicate your concerns and construct a plan to obtain the needed compensation for damages.

Malpractice Lawsuits Are Handled on a Contingency Basis

You can find out more information along these lines by contacting a firm such as Schatz & Steinberg, P.C. All medical malpractice claims of this type are handled on a contingency basis. Therefore, no attorney’s fees are charged unless compensation is awarded for your losses.

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