Why Consider A Funny Motivational Speaker For Your Next Event?

by | Mar 10, 2016 | Business

Most companies understand the benefits of hiring speakers for their events, but may not know whether to select corporate speakers or choose humorous ones. However, you may find that the event, whatever it may be, goes over better because you select a funny motivational speaker. They’re more fun and can be more efficient at driving home your points because people learn better when they have fun and laugh.

What They Do

These speakers are meant to get your group feeling good. That can mean motivating them to do their jobs more efficiently, but it can also mean boosting their morale and reminding them why they like coming to work each day. They should leave the meeting or event feeling good about what they heard, about their company and themselves. However, the most important thing is that they feel excited about their future. While traditional speakers can get the point across, too, they do so in different ways. Sometimes, people just need to let loose and let out a belly-busting laugh. That’s something that doesn’t frequently happen while at work because everyone is so focused on the job and not offending others.

Business Versus Humorous

Some corporate or business speakers are excellent and the right choice for the particular meeting you’ve planned. However, they tend to speak in such a way that your employees already hear frequently from their bosses, managers and other coworkers. Many times, these employees tune out the message and may be tuning out their bosses, as well, so the point doesn’t get across at all.

If you think that may be the case, it may be time to introduce something new, such as a funny motivational speaker. These speakers use a new approach that your employees aren’t used to, which will bring them out of their shell and get them to tune into what you’ve been telling them.

We Don’t Need It

Most company owners don’t want to deal with the cost of hiring these speakers or just don’t think their employees need it, but those people are likely the ones that need it the most. It is nearly impossible to tell people something if they don’t want to hear it. Whether you realize it or not, they’re fighting you. You must get them to relax and stop the fight, so they’re willing to listen, and humorous speakers can do that.

A funny motivational speaker boosts morale in a new and different way. Visit Doug Dvorak’s website – KeynoteMotivationalSpeaker.biz to learn more or to schedule him for your next event.

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