Your Lawyer in Weymouth MA Will Protect You

by | Sep 23, 2014 | Law

If you have been in an accident which is now preventing you from being able to work, it may be time to think about hiring a Disability Lawyer in Weymouth MA. After all, just because you are not capable of working, it doesn’t mean that you don’t still have bills to pay. You need to hire a lawyer who has experience with disability cases. This way, you can begin to collect the money that is rightfully yours.

The Law Offices of Graham N. Wright Weymouth MA will invite you in for a free consultation appointment. This way, they can sit down with you and talk with you about everything that needs to happen. They are going to need a list of your previous employers. They are also going to need to know your medical history. You will want to bring with you a list of the medications that you are currently taking. This way, there will be no question as to whether or not you can qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

After your Lawyer in Weymouth MA is more aware of your injuries, he will be able to help you to determine whether or not you can qualify. If your lawyer does think that he will be able to help you, he will get started with the application process. After your application has been submitted, it is basically a waiting game. If you have already been denied benefits, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t give up. Your lawyer will see to it that you get a court date. This way, you can explain your health problems to the judge. At this point, the judge will be the one to have a final say in whether or not you are approved.

Many people make the mistake of going through this process on their own. This generally isn’t a good idea simply because everything is so confusing. When you see the paperwork that you are going to have to fill out, you will realize why you want to hire a Lawyer in Weymouth MA. Set up your first appointment today and get started with the process. Visit for more details.


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